Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mob rule (28)

I've now seen the John Adams mini-series, and there was quote that stuck with me. President Adams at one point states (paraphrasing):

A mob is no less a mob just because it is on your side

This got me thinking.

I really enjoy what's happening lately at these healthcare reform townhalls all over the county. I think it's great that conservatives and others who have shied away from political protest (for whatever reason) have found passion in keeping their Republic from slipping further down the socialist slope.

(Also the escalation of confrontation, being pushed by Democrats, and using union cronies from groups like SEIU, only highlights their inherent weaknesses.)

One thing to consider though is that these protests will only carry us so far. Eventually it will have to be our arguments that turn hearts and minds.

Expose their lack of knowledge on the subject. Question their honesty (How will putting everyone on the government dole save money? Why do you say we can keep our private insurance when the bill clearly will drive insurers out of the market?). Question them using numbers from the CBO. Force them to promise to read the bill personally before signing.

It is not enough to crash the party. We have to take over the turntables and pick the music.

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