Thursday, September 24, 2009

On Bias

John Stossel is leaving ABC News for Fox:

When I announced last week that I was leaving ABC for Fox, some readers complained about my "bias." I replied: "Every reporter has political beliefs. The difference is that I am upfront about mine."

Refreshing. John makes some great points about reporting bias that I'm sure most reporters wouldn't see as bias:

The New York Times took its bias to an absurd length. Its page-one story on the big anti-big-government rally in Washington, D.C., referred to "protests that began with an opposition to health care. ..."

Apparently, in the Times reporter's and editors' view, opponents of the Obama health care plan oppose health care itself. (The online article was later changed.)

. . .

Most reporting on the "stimulus" package has the same flaw. Just to call it "stimulus" is to editorialize, since the idea that government spending can truly stimulate an economy is at best doubtful. Many good economists say it can't be done. After all, the money is taken from somewhere else. But the economists rarely are quoted.

In addition, reporters seem to think they've done their job if they merely describe the intentions behind the proposed "reform." But the burden of proof should be on the sponsors of regulation and spending. They should have to make a convincing case that their new rules are superior to the free market. Who cares about intentions?

I think a lot of people have forgotten that last part. The burden of proof for any proposal is on the one proposing it, not on the opposition.

Kind of like Presbo saying, "My plan . . ." when discussing healthcare reform (whoops - change). Mr. President, besides cramming whatever garbage congress comes up with down our collective throat, what is your plan?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Galt watch

Just watched this video mocking health insurance executives. Can you believe it, these people have the audacity to earn a profit. Well, in an area that is already so highly regulated, I won't go so far to assume that all the profits go to those who most deserve them, but who knows. What seems clear, though, is that the argument favoring government provided/subsidized health insurance is ignoring health care providers. How long will people put up with the ridiculous hours and sacrifices necessary to work as doctors and nurses only to have their rewards diminished by bureaucrats? How's this for an unintended (on its face, at least) consequence: make health care so cheap that no one wants to provide it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Good Reads

On tonight's "2 most recommended list," the subject is: Government.

1. 1984
2. Animal Farm

A George Orwell sweep! Available here.

(I'll open up comments for this one; go ahead an enter your 2 most recommended books re: Government.)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just as magical as Unicorn Dust

Lucky guy.

When asked about it later the reporter said, "I'm never washing this hand again!"

Healthcare system is a disaster...

Women and children hardest hit:
Michelle Obama said women are being “crushed by the current structure of our health care” because they often are responsible for taking care of family illnesses, arranging checkups and monitoring follow-up care.

Under Obamacare no more having to take care of your sick kids or spouses. Obama will arrange checkups, monitor follow-up care, probably even wipe those runny noses.

Remember this lady?

Add shuttling the kids to the doctor to that laundry list.

Speaking of laundry, if the dry cleaner is on the way to the pediatrician could they drop my shirts off too? You know, combine trips (global warming and all).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thoughts from Lileks

James Lileks bleat from yesterday is just great.

On our recent bouts of national rudeness:

What I find amusing is how some believe that the death of civility is a new development. It started with Joe Wilson and was compounded by Serena Williams. Civility has been chained to a rock getting its liver picked out by buzzards since the golden children of the Greatest Generation were encouraged to let their freak flag fly, to use a horrid phrase.

Reasons for engaging the world, rather than avoiding (which is my default - and fault):

I’ve always thought it’s imperative to stay engaged with your times until your time, singular, is up. Otherwise your sense of the world calcifies, and your worst impressions become your default opinion. The glories of the imagined past become a means of self-admiration, because you were not only lucky enough to be there but smart enough to get it. Kids today, they don’t.

And some nostalgia:

It is to much to suppose that a wary code of mutually recognized and dimly comprehended male aggression kept things civil? That it was also predicated on horribly, terribly, oh-so-wretchedly sexist notions about behaving in front of women made men behave? It probably took ten years after the end of Hats to breed a certain respect out of men; it took another ten years of dealing with The Confusion of the Door (if I open it, I’m a chauvinist pig; if I don’t, I’m a selfish manchild who lacks social graces. What does she want? What does she expect? (Help me Hugh Hefner!)

The internet is incredible. I've never been to Minnesota. Never read a hard copy of their newspaper. But here I am in Atlanta reading their star columnist's personal musings, daily.

I don't think enough people appreciate the power we have right now.

I think I'll break out An Army of Davids for a second read.

Re: Project 915

Paul said..."seeing as how I was the law student, I think that makes me James O'Keefe, which must make you Hannah Giles"

I'm not pretty enough.

It is indeed incredible what these two have accomplished.

Hannity was promoting them today saying a fifth Acorn sting was to be released tonight (San Diego). That makes five now. You'd think one would be enough.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Project 915

It's hard to imagine that as many people have ever had as much opportunity to have as much impact as people have now. This liberty and personal responsibility thing seems to be catching on. So now I'm feeling inspired to add to the movement. These Acorn videos are amazing, both for their ingenuity and their effect. Garry, seeing as how I was the law student, I think that makes me James O'Keefe, which must make you Hannah Giles.

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/12 Protest Pictures

Great source of protest pictures.

(h/t Vodkapundit)

Dinosaur Media

I checked our local newspaper website ( Sunday morning to get some glimpse of how the 9/12 D.C. march went. Nothing.

I clicked on the Nation/World news tab. Nothing.

I typed "9/12 protest Washington DC" into the search bar. Nothing.

This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man.

So I fire off an email to the public editor:

from Garry Jenkins
date Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 1:39 PM
subject No mention of 9/12 Washington DC rally on

Sep 13 (2 days ago)

I checked the homepage, news tab, and nation & world sections online and there was no mention of the 9/12 rally in Washington DC yesterday. Why is a protest of Americans, ranging in size from tens of thousand to over one million (depending on the source), not worthy of even a basic mention on your website?

Garry M. Jenkins

Well today I heard back:

to Garry Jenkins
date Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:59 AM
subject RE: No mention of 9/12 Washington DC rally on

10:59 AM (8 hours ago)

Mr. Jenkins,

Thanks for your note.

We actually covered the rally and had it on the front page of the print edition and it was online for some time, but somehow got dropped off the page online. We are checking into what happened.

Kind regards,
Shawn McIntosh
AJC Public editor

Very pleasant and polite response, but essentially full of crap.

If the story was previously on the website, why didn't it show up in the search?

Additionally, why pull it so quickly? People are still talking about this today.

Whoa - looks like the stories are back. Figures. Nevermind.

But wait! You still have to search for it to find any articles. No link on the main news pages. Also, front page is coverage of a protest at a Grady Hospital board that had all of . . . 100 people.

Good grief.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Texas Governor Rick Perry, Tenther!

Interesting. Let's see if he follows through.

In other news, former President George W. to head up a special calvary to be known as Rough Riders II.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Garry's link to the Daniel Hannan speech reminded me of this article on Peter Davies. I know little about these guys, but if their substance matches their soundbites, then these are the types of politicians I'd rather see. Regardless, however, the people in power should have less of it. And Tom Friedman can go to China.

Obama on healthcare, Take...I've lost track.

Apparently Presbo had a speech on healthcare tonight. Unfortunately I was too busy putting my kids to bed and watching a 5 year old episode of Southpark to catch it. Don Surber has a great recap:
The substance of the president’s speech to Congress tonight is this:

1. Everybody must carry insurance.

2. Insurance pays for everything.

3. Insurance costs less.

4. Pass it immediately.

Sounds like the August break helped the President gain some perspective.

But wait a minute! Drudge just added a doozy of a link:
South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson shouted "You lie!" after Obama had talked about illegal immigrants.

South Carolina, what's up!

I appreciate the enthusiasm (and honesty for a change). Perhaps we could get get Daniel Hannan to finish the job?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

No Country for Old Cars, or Productivity, for that matter

Garry's last post reminded me of Frederick Bastiat's "parable of the broken window." Here's my theory: if insiders are selling out, might it be because the "recovery" has been illusory, the government-driven "stimulus" (with proper "scare quotes") hollow? Are we seeing the rats (and I mean that endearingly) jumping from the sinking ship? I mean, when we're clunking drivable cars, we're moving away from an economy driven by productivity to one driven by gimmicks. Gimmicks and tricks. These people are not serious.

Tick tock tick tock tick tock

Insiders are selling stocks at a record rate according to Charles Biderman (from The New Editor).

Where have all the good Czars gone?

Van Jones? Gone. Good call, Garry.

I just came down here to tell you...

it's not on.

Oh, it's on!

No no no, it's not on.

Whoo, it's on all right!

It isn't on. Nothing's on. It's off.

It's on!

With apologies to Southpark.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Maybe PRESBO will take another week off

Having already extended his vacation an extra week, Powerline finds a reason for him to stay away another:
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, on September 13, 2001, however, Jones had a different explanation. On September 13, 2001, Jones said: "The bombs the government drops in Iraq are the bombs that blew up in New York City. The US cannot bomb its way out of this one. Safety at home requires justice abroad."
Some advice for his excellency: I find it best, when having made a mistake, to own up to it ASAP. The longer it lingers, the worse things get.

If Van Jones lasts another week it will be Obama's shame. The "globally recognized, award-winning pioneer in human rights and the clean energy economy" is a disgrace to the Whitehouse.

H/T Don Surber

(Oh and don't skip out on the music!)

Not interested in merely shifting power

Smitty, full-time guest-blogger at The Other McCain, is spot on:
The country is staring at the threat of a future tyranny. Not to engage in hyperbole on BHO, but the real issues aren't the genius who won the election. The real issues are the centralization of power. The permanent political class. The deficit. The debt.

So, if you haven't told me how we're decentralizing, GOP, you haven't told me much.
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Worked up conservatives, townhalls, tea parties...they're not about GOP versus Jackasses. The issue is federal overreach.

Don't tread on me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Van Jones - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

You probably know Glenn Beck has been railing about Van Jones, Obama's green czar, the last week or so. I hadn't seen or heard too much about it. However, it only took about a minute to find some interesting tidbits.

First, what does Van Jones think of the opposition party, the Republicans?

Not very post-partisan.

Second, what does he think of "whitey?"

"The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities because they don’t have a racial justice frame."

The very definition of post-racial I'd say.

Enough. How does this nonsense pass for rational or even reasonable thought or debate?

Thankfully, Bill Whittle's latest deals with this garbage straight up.

Another brick in the wall

We don't need no education.

We don't need no thought control.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


IMAO has a weekly picture caption contest. The topics are lolteritz and lolbama. Here are two entries I submitted for the next round of lolbama: