Sunday, July 19, 2009

Congressional Budget Office (10)

The Director of the CBO agrees with Obama that health care spending is out of control:

Under current law, the federal budget is on an unsustainable path, because federal debt will continue to grow much faster than the economy over the long run. Although great uncertainty surrounds long-term fiscal projections, rising costs for health care and the aging of the population will cause federal spending to increase rapidly under any plausible scenario for current law.

So we have to pass comprehensive health care reform to save this country, right?

According to CBO’s and JCT’s assessment, enacting H.R. 3200 would result in a net increase in the federal budget deficit of $239 billion over the 2010-2019 period.

And that number is net after you take out increased revenues of $538 billion (taxes).

The total cost of the bill is guesstimated at $1.042 trillion over 10 years.

It's almost as if nobody in DC is even remotely serious. Seriously.

Government run health care is a joke. Seriously.

Why so serious?

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